Thursday, December 6, 2012

Space Design 1 - Planet Design

1. Create a new document 1000* 1000 with px dimension.
2. Fill the background color with black. Create a new layer. .
3. Select the gradient tool and select noise samples from the preset and select blues preset.
4. Check restrict colors in gradient editor. Drag the gradient on the canvas from top to bottom while holding shift.
5. Go to filter -> distort -> ripple and set the amount to 125%.
6. Go to filter -> distort -> wave . Change no of generators 1, wavelength 401-999, amplitude 1- 198, type sine and check repeat edge pixels.
7. Go to filter-> liquify and use the tools to create turbulance on the surface of the planet .
8. Go to filter-> spherize and change the amount to 100%.
9. Select elliptical marquee tool and drag the cursor from upper left to lower right to create a sphere selection. ctrl-j to cut the selection and make a copy and place it on its own layer.
11.Trash the surface layer. Widen the canvas by selecting image-> canvas size and change the inches to percent and make width 220 and height 125.
12.Open the blending options of layer 1
   a. outer glow ( color -blue, blend mode-normal, size-73)
   b. inner glow ( color -blue, size -49, opacity-45,blend mode-normal)
13.Create a new layer. Select layer 1 and click ctrl to make a selection.
14.Go to select-> modify->feather. change feather radius to 60px.
15.Press alt-> delete to fill the selection with black.Press ctrl d to delete the selection.
16.Press ctrl t to call the transform tool and press shift and alt and drag out the transform.
17.Reposition it by clicking it aside and moving it.
18.Create a new layer below layer 2.Select layer 3 and click on layer 1 to select both layer and press ctrl e to merge the layers.
19.Press ctrl and click on the planet layer (3) to make a selection and click on layer 2 and press ctrl e to merge the two layers.
20.Press ctrl j to cut the selection and copy on its own layer. Trash layer 3. on background to make it active.
22.Go to filter -> noise -> add noise and change the amound to 400 and select gaussian and monochromatic.
23.Go to filter-> blur-> gaussian blur and blur it by 1px.
24.Press ctrl l to open levels window and change input shadows to 205 and input highlights to 211.

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