Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Logo Design 8 - Aurora

1. Create a new document (a1 international paper, 210 * 297 px dimension and 300 resolution.
2. Create a rectangle using the rectangle tool. Press ctrl t to select the transform tool and select warp.
    In the warp preset options select flag and set it to 20% bend. 
3. Open the blending options and select gradient overlay. Click on the gradient editor and set 5 color stops 
    at 25% intervals and set angle at 0 degree. Press ctrl j to create a copy of the layer and hide the layer.
4. Create a new layer and select both the layers and press ctrl E to merge the layers. Go to filter->filter   
    gallery->texture->tecturizer and set texture to canvas, scaling to 96 , relief to 8 and light to left.
5. Go to filter->blur->motion blur and set distance to 112px.
6. Press ctrl key and click on the duplicated layer to make a selection and keep to blurry aurora layer 
    selected. Select the marquee tool and move the selection up past the blurry part of the base layer. Press 
    ctrl-shift-I to invert the selection and press delete key. This will make a hard edge at the base.
7. Press ctrl T to stretch the aurora layer vertically upwards. Again make a selection of the duplicated layer 
    while keeping the main aurora layer active. Drag the selection downwards to the bottom part of the 
    aurora. Right click inside the selection and select layer via copy. It will create a new layer. Select color 
    overlay blending option for this layer and change the color to black.
8. Go to filter->blur->gaussian blur and blur it by 8.9px. Drag this layer below the aurora layer and press ctrl 
    t and right click to select warp. Move the angles at the bottom corners so that they poke out of the sides  
    and reduce the opacity to 60%.
9. Open gradient overlay blending option for the main layer and set the blend mode to soft light and direction 
    to 90 degree. 
10.Select the text layer and write text on the canvas. Open gradient overlay blending option and set Left 
     hand colour stop:1d1d1b location 0%. Middle colour stop: 464646 location 50%. Middle colour stop 2: 
     706f6f location 50%. Right hand colour stop: b2b2b2 location 100% and angle 90 degrees.
11.Duplicate the layer and change the gradient overlay to same as that of base aurora layer. Go to filter-
     >liquify , rasterize the layer and using forward warp tool draw strokes on upper half of the text.
12.Drag the layer below the main text layer . Go to filter->blur->motion blur and set angle to 90 and 
     distance to 104. Duplicate the layer twice and change blend mode of top layer to overlay.

Text Design 12 - Tufted Pillow

Photo Editing 2 - Mystical Landscape

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Logo Design 7 - Planet logo

1. Create a new document with 1000 * 1000 px dimensions.
2. Create a blue circle using elliptical marquee tool. Load the selection of the layer and move it to the left and 
    delete the selection.
3. Create a green oval in the center of the above circle using elliptical marquee tool. Again load the selection 
    and move it up a bit and delete the selection. Rotate the layer a little using transform tool.
4. Load the selection of the green layer and go to select->modify->expand and expand it by 5px. Select the 
    blue layer and delete the selection.
5. Create another magenta oval using elliptical marquee tool above the green oval.
6. Delete a portion of the oval by loading the selection and moving it up-right a bit. Load the selection of the 
    layer and go to select->modify-> expand and expand it by 5px . Select the blue layer and delete the 
    selection.Tilt the layer using transform tool.
7. Create an orange oval below the green layer and repeat the above process. 

Friday, January 18, 2013

Text Design 11 - Sand Art

1. Create a new document with as 1280 * 720 px dimensions.
2. Change the foreground color to f0e2af and press alt delete to apply it.
3. Go to filter->noise->add noise and change the amount to 3%.
4. Select the type tool and choose a little darker shade than background color and type the text.
5. Press ctrl and click on the text layer to make a selection . Go to select->modify->feather and feather it by
    1px. Duplicate the layer and rename it outer . Open layer styles and select:
    a. bevel and emboss ( style-pillow emboss ,technique-chisel hard,direction-down,size-50, soften-5,
        highlight mode-linear dodge and opacity-12, shadow mode-linear burn and opacity-39.
6. Create a copy of the layer and rename it inner. Hide original text layer and select bevel and emboss.
    Make style-inner bevel, technique-smooth, depth-235, direction-down, size-27, soften-7, angle-130,
    uncheck global light, altitude- 48, highlight mode-screen and opacity-0, shadow mode-linear burn and


Thursday, January 17, 2013

Logo Design 6 - Android logo

1. Create a new document with 1920 * 1080 as px dimensions.
2. Go to  rounded rectangle tool  and select a green color a4c639  and radius 49px.
3. Drag out a rectangle on the screen . Select combine shapes option on the top . Drag out an arm on the left of the rectangle.
4. Select path selection tool and hold shift and alt to drag out a copy of the arm. Do the same for both the legs. Use move tool to reposition them.
5. Select rounded rectangle tool and select subtract from shape option and drag out a rectangle on the top till the beginning of the arms .
6. Again select ellipse tool and select combine shape option and drag out a circle on top of the body . Select rounded rectangle tool and subtract from shape to make a gap between the head and the body and drag out a small rectangle between the head and body.
7.Select ellipse tool and subtract from shape options and drag out a circle on the head to make an eye. Select path selection tool and hold down shift and alt key to drag a copy of the eye for the second eye.
8.For the antenna of the robot , select rounded rectangle tool and select combine shape options and drag out a rounded rectangle on the head. Select path selection tool and click on the antenna and open transform tool to tilt the antenna on the left. Again hold down shift and alt key and drag out a copy for another antenna on   right. Again open transform tool to tilt the antenna to the right .
9.Fill the background with blue color. Again click on the shape layer and open stroke blending style and select white color.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Wax Seal Design

1. Create a new document with as 1920 * 1080 px dimensions. Paste a old parchment style texture on the canvas.
2. Select elliptical marquee tool and drag out a circular selection in the middle of the document and fill it with a dark red color.
3. Press ctrl d to undo the selection and go to filter->distort->wave and select no. of generators-1, wavelength (1-214), amplitude-(1,117), scale-100, type-sine , repeat edge pixels and click on randomize to select an appropriate shape.
4. Drag out another circular selection inside the original shape created above and press ctrl J . Hide the wax seal shape and go to filter->distort->wave and change wavelength to 660 .
5. Make original wax seal layer active and hide the inner part and make a selection by holding down ctrl and clicking on the layer . Press ctrl-alt and click on the inner part layer to subtract the shape and press ctrl j to cut and copy the shape . Rename the original layer as shadow, middle layer as shape and top layer -center.    Make the shape layer active and open layer styles window :
   a. Bevel and Emboss ( style-inner bevel,technique-smooth,depth-100,direction-up, size-50,soften-0,angle-
      90,altitude-60,highlight mode-screen,opacity-85,shadow mode-multiply,opacity-30)
      contour-half round
Make shape layer active and open layer style:
   a. Drop shadow ( blend mode-linear burn,opacity-75, angle-90, distance-5, size-18
   b. Outer glow (blend mode-linear burn,opacity-17, size-25)
6. Make center layer active and open layer style:
   a. Bevel and Emboss (style-inner bevel,technique-smooth,depth-100,direction-down,size-16,highlight
       mode-screen,opacity-90,shadow mode-multiply,opacity-50)
       check contour
7. Create a new layer and fill it with red . Select type tool and choose white color and type some text on the
    document. Make a selection of the text and hide the text layer and the layer below it and go to select-
    >transform selection and resize and reposition it on the seal.
8. Make red layer visible and active and click on layer mask . Go to fill and slide it to 0. Open the layer style window:
   a. Bevel and Emboss( style-emboss, depth-200,size-16, shadow mode opacity-40)
   b. contour-half round.
9. Make a copy of this layer and click on the chain link to unlink it with the layer mask and delete the layer mask.
10.Open custom shape tool and select a shape from list of custom shapes available . Drag out the shape on the seal. Open paths panel and right click on the work paths and click on make selection and make feather radius 0.
11.Click on the layer mask and open bevel and emboss and reduce the size to 11.
12.Make a copy of the layer and click off the chain link and click on the layer mask to make it active and move the ornament to another location on the seal.

Logo Design 5 - Mirosoft logo

1. Open a new document with 500*500 px dimensions.
2. Create a new layer and select elliptical marquee tool to drag out a circle on the canvas and position it in center and fill it with dark blue color.
3. Use transform tool to make another circular selection inside the circle created above (very near to the above) .
4. Create a new layer and make a white to transparent gradient from top to 3/4th of the circle. Create another layer and make another white to transparent gradient from bottom to 3/4th of the circle. Merge the two layers.
5. Use rectangular marquee tool to make a rectangle within the circle and fill it with orange-yellow radial gradient from bottom right to center . Similarly make 3 other rectangles using marquee tool and fill
   them with radial gradients as follows :
   a. top 2 rectangles - orange-yellow , lime green-cream
   b. bottom 2 rectangles- blue-white , yellow-light yellow
6. Use warp transform tool to make the rectangles wawy like a flag and then tilt the rectangles a little to right.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Text Design 10 - Reflection

1. Create a new document with 500 * 500 px dimension and fill it with black.
2. Select type tool and type it on the canvas and reposition it on the document. Press ctrl J to make a copy of the text.
3. Select the transform tool and right click and select flip vertical. Press shift and drag the text down until there is a little space between the two texts.
4. Click on layer mask. Select the gradient tool and select black to white thumbnail and drag a  linear gradient from 3/4 of the bottom to the top  where the bottom text begins. Reduce the opacity of the layer mask to 50%.
5. Go to layer->rasterize type . Select the blur tool and press shift and drag the cursor on the canvas to blur the bottom text.

Text Design 9 - Displacing text

Photo Editing 1 - Rainbow effect

1. Create a new document with as 1000 *1000 px dimensions and copy and paste a photo with the same dimensions.
2. Create a new layer . Go to gradient ->special effects and select russels rainbow built in rainbow gradient.
3. Drag out a radial gradient from the bottom end of the canvas to where you want the rainbow to end.
4. Change the blend mode to screen. Go to filter->blur->gaussian blur and select 50px radius and change the opacity of the layer to 50%.
5. Click on the layer mask and select black to white linear gradient and drag out the gradient from bottom of the arc where the rainbow is to end to the top of the canvas.