Thursday, February 7, 2013

Scene Design 2 - Magical Book Scene

1. Create a new document of size 1200×600 pixels. Paste a picture of an antique table on the document. Download and paste a gray texture image as a wall behind the table . Use eraser tool to reveal the table.
2. Paste an image of an open book on the table ( you can download the image and use layer mask extraction method to extract the book from its original background. Create a new layer below the bool and rename the layer as book shadow. Use a soft round brush with black color and paint shadow along the bottom of the book.
3. Create a new layer above the rest of the layers. Open gradient overlay blending style and make a vertical gradient with colors (top-19025 , bottom-000000) and change the blend mode to soft light.
4. Create a new layer and fill it with black. Use eraser tool with a large soft round brush and click twice at the center of the document to revel the book . Open the levels window and set the following value ( 9 , 0.60 , 255).
5. Paste an image of a green field on the left side of the bool and rename it as grass. Use layer mask to even out the grass on the book page. Open drop shadow blending options and set following values ( angle-35 , distance -3 , size -1 ) . Repeat same process on the right side of the book while leaving a small gap in the middle of the book for a river.
6. Paste a pool pattern in the gap between the grass in the middle of the book and set the opacity around 80. Use eraser tool to remove and leave only the part to cover the top area of the gap . Repeat the process to cover the front area of the gap to make a flowing river. Activate the top perspective of the river layer and go to image-> adjustment ->brightness/contrast and set the brightness around 40. Keep the black layer on top of all the layers .
7. Create a new layer and name is as Glow. Using a soft round brush tool paint a large dot at the center of the document as change the blend mode as soft light. Place an image of clouds on the canvas and change the blend mode to screen and reduce the opacity to 80. Using a large eraser tool , remove some parts of clouds.
8. Create a new layer and rename it as lens flare. Fill the layer with black color and go to filter->render->lens flare and select 50-300mm zoom and set brightness as 100% . Rotate the lens flare layer slightly at 45 degrees and position it at the center of document. Set the blend mode to screen and duplicate the layer to make it more bright.
9. Place an image of tree and place it on the left end of the book. Duplicate the tree to make its shadow. Go to image->adjustment->hue/saturation and set the lightness to around -100 to make the duplicated tree black . Go to edit->transform->flip vertical . Again select the transform tool and select skew option and push the bottom of the tree to left. Go to filter->blur->gaussian blur and blur it by 2px. Repeat the process and place some more trees and rocks on the book.
10. Place a waterfall image on the book below the river and rename it as waterfall . Go to channels panel and press ctrl-click on the blue channel to load selection. Go to layers panel and invert the selection and press delete. Create  a layer mask to hide some unwanted parts of the waterfall. Duplicate the layer and set blend mode to screen .
11. Place an image of a child playing on the right side of the book page.

   in between the grass.

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