Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Poster Design 2 - Spiderman Poster

1. Create a new file with 1280 * 1024 px dimension and another file with 6 * 6 px dimension. Use pencil tool with 1px brush size and make a square pattern (chessboard style- black and dark gray).
2. Go to edit ->define pattern. Now in the  main file go to edit->fill and select the pattern made above.
3. Use line tool to make a slant line on the canvas for the spider web. Open blending options :
    a. Drop shadow (blend mode- multiply , opacity-100, angle-76, distance-3 , spread-10 , size-24)
    b. Bevel and Emboss (style-inner bevel , technique-smooth, depth-450, direction-up, size-1,soften-0,
    angle-120,altitude-30,check global light, highlight mode-screen,color-white ,shadow mode-multiply ,
    color-black,  opacity-75)
4. Create a copy of the layer and using free transform tool incline the line a little and place it below the above
created line.
5. Use pen tool with fill-0 and convert point tool create a spider web. Open the blending options :
    a. Drop shadow ( blend mode- multiply ,opacity-100, angle-120, distance-5, spread-0 , size-90 )
    b. Inner shadow ( blend mode- multiply , opacity-100 ,angle-120, distance-5,size-70)
    c. Bevel and Emboss ( style-inner bevel, technique-smooth , depth-684, direction-up , size-1,soften-
    0,angle- -169, altitude-37, highlight mode- screen opacity -100 , shadow mode- multiply , opacity-0)
    d. Stroke ( size-2 , position -inside , blend mode-normal , opacity 100 , fill type-color , color - same as
    background color )
6. Create a new layer and using hard brush tool of color #404041 draw some water droplets on the web
and select following blending options:
    a. Inner shadow ( mode-multiply , opacity-100 , angle-120 ,distance-5, choke-0 , size-70 )
    b. Bevel and Emboss ( style-inner bevel , technique-smooth , depth-684 , direction-up , size-1 , angle-
    -169 , altitude-37 )
7. Move all the layers comprising of spider web and water drops into a group and then press ctrl E to
convert the group layer into a new layer. Use eraser tool to erase some of the edges of the web .
8. Use text tool to write out the text in homoarakhn font and apply following blending options :
    a . Inner shadow (mode-screen , opacity-75 , angle-90 ,distance-3 , choke-18,size-0 )
    b. Gradient overlay (mode-normal , opacity-100 , style-linear , angle- -90 , gradient   - #58595B to
9. Create a new layer below the text layer and make a selection of the text by holding ctrl and click on the
thumbnail of the text layer. Go to select->modify->expand. Expand it by 5px and fill the selection with
white . Undo the selection and apply following blending styles:
    a. Outer Glow ( mode- multiply , opacity-100 , size-35 , range-50)
    b. Bevel and Emboss ( style-inner bevel , technique-smooth -depth -390 , direction-up , size-6)

Friday, March 8, 2013

Scene Design 4 - Lost in memory disaster

1. Create a new document with 1400 * 800 as px dimensions and fill the background with black.
2. Load a rust texture on the canvas and apply motion blur on the texture : angle-63 , distance 23.
3. Add following adjustment layers to the texture layer and apply clipping mask on all the adjustments :
    a. black and white ( red 40,yellow 153, green 28,cyan 60,blue 20,magenta 80)
    b/ curves
    c. levels - input ( 0, 1.26,255)
4. Create a new layer and paint some clouds on the canvas using the cloud brush and name the layer as
5. Load a mountain image on the canvas and position and resize it on the left side of the canvas . Add a layer
    mask on the layer to hide the edges and make a smooth transition on the canvas . Also add following
    adjustment layers to the mountain left layer and apply clipping masks on the adjustments:
    a. black and white ( red 40,yellow -80, green 59,cyan 28,blue -1,magenta 80)
    b. levels - input ( 76, 1.79,255)
    c. curves
6. Copy and paste a river image on the canvas near the side of the mountain and name this layer as river .
    Erase the edges using a soft brush. Add following adjustment layers to the river layer and apply clipping
    mask on all the adjustments:
    a. black and white ( red 40,yellow 60, green 40,cyan 60,blue -4,magenta 80)
    b. curves
7. Load another mountain image on the canvas and position and resize it on the right of the canvas. Add a
    layer mask on the layer to hide the edges and make a smooth transition on the canvas. Also add the
    following adjustment layers to the layer and apply clipping mask on the adjustments.
    a. black and white ( red 40,yellow -200, green 2,cyan -25,blue 20,magenta 80)
8. Load a palace image on the canvas and position it on the top of right mountain . Use a soft round brush to
    erase the edges of the palace and add following adjustment layers and add clipping mask to all the
    adjustments :
    a. black and white ( red 80,yellow 153, green 40,cyan 60,blue 20,magenta 80)
9. Create a new layer and apply cloud warp effect on it and place the cloud warp on the mountain right
    layer. Change the blending mode to screen.  Also create another cloud layer .
10.Load an image of bridge on place it between the two mountains and rename the layer as bridge. Place
     this layer below the mountain right layer . Erase the edges of the bridge using a soft eraser. Add following
     adjustment layers to the bridge layer and apply clipping mask to the adjustments:
    a. black and white ( red 40,yellow 117, green 40,cyan 60,blue 20,magenta 80)
    b. curves
11.To create a meteor . select the brush tool and make a single click on the canvas . Go to filter->pixelate-
     >crystallize . Make the cell size around 8.  Go to filter->stylize->wind . Method is wind and direction is
     from left. Press ctrl F to lengthen the tail of the meteor . Use transform tool to tilt the meteor so that it
     looks like its falling from the sky . Make copies of the layer and move them to various locations on the
     canvas . Group all the layers.
12.Add following adjustment layers on top of all the layers to fine tune the effects :
     Color Balance :
      a. tone-shadows , cyan-100 , magenta-0, yellow- -100
         check preserve luminosity
      b. tone- midtones , cyan-100 , magenta-0, yellow- -100
      c. tone- highlights , cyan-57 , magenta-0, yellow- -17
     Vibrance :
      a. vibrance - -11
      b. saturation - -20
     Levels : 0 , 0.66 , 255

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Scene Design 3 - Midnight Summer

1. Create a new document with 1024 * 768 px dimensions . Draw 2 rectangles using the rectangle tool covering 2/3 and 1/3 space of the document with the upper rectangle filled with black and lower rectangle filled with white.
2. Open the blending styles and select gradient overlay for the upper black rectangle :
    a.  blend mode-normal , opacity -100 , style -linear , angle-90 , color - 4c725d to 182c2d
   Open the gradient overlay blending style for lower rectangle :
    a.  blend mode-normal , opacity -100 , style -linear , angle-90 , color - 070b14 to 233634
3. Create a new layer and go to filter->render->clouds and then go to filter->blur->box blur and set radius to 12px . Open the curves adjustment style and change input to 174 and output to 155 and change the layer style to screen . Open the transform tool and stretch out the clouds horizontally and narrow in vertically so that they are visible only in the upper rectangle.
4. Make a copy of this layer and open the levels window and enter following parameters ( 94, 0.60 , 240 )
5. Create a new layer and using polygonal lasso tool create a hilly area on the land surface and fill it with black. Create a new layer and using a preset brush paint some grass on top of the hilly area. Place images of various trees and people on the hilly area and select color overlay style blending option and change the color to black.
6. Create a new layer and using star brush tool , paint some stars in the sky .
7. Create a new layer and using the ellipse tool and draw a circle in the sky . Again draw another circle while pressing alt key inside the first circle to create a crescent shape and fill it with #f9f2ac. Open inner shadow blending style :
    a. Inner shadow ( blend mode-normal , opacity -75, angle-120 , distance-11 , size-9 )
8. Select all the layers and place them in a group and duplicate the group and merge all the layers in the group. Using the transform tool , flip the duplicate layer vertically and delete some the bottom part of the duplicate layer with eraser tool.
9. Using ripple filter distort the layers in duplicate layer to create a ripple like effect in water . Reduce the fill for the group to around 25%.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Yin-Yang Symbol Design

1. Create a new document with  720 * 720 as px dimensions. Press ctrl 0 to fit it into screen.
2. Select the gradient tool and open the gradient editor and click on the lower left stop and select ff0000 color and click on lower right stop and select 870303 color.
3. Press shift key and drag the gradient from bottom of the screen to middle of the document.
4. Press ctrl T and drag out the guidelines to the center for the vertical guide and little above the center for the horizontal guide.
5.Open up elliptical marquee tool and drag out a circle from the center of the cross. Create a new layer and fill the circle with black.
6.Click on the layer mask to make a layer mask of the selection and then select the original black circle layer to make it active and open rectangular marquee tool and drag out a rectangle on the left side of the circle and fill  the selection with white and delete the selection . Ctrl click on the layer mask to make a selection and go to select->transform selection and press and hold shift and drag the lower right end of the selection towards the upper left crosshairs.
7.Click inside the transform and press and hold shift as you drag the transform to the right until it snaps to the center.
8.Create a new layer and fill the selection with white . Again open the transform tool and press and hold shift and alt and drag the selection inwarda to make a smaller circular selection and fill it with back and delete the selection. Make a copy of the layer and invert it (ctrl I) and drag it below the top layer . press and hold shift and drag it down until it snaps in to place. Resize it if  needed.
9.Hide the guidelines and hide the base layer and make a snapshot of the screen using ctrl-shift-alt-I. Hide all the layer and unhide the base layer. Make a copy of the snapshot layer and select transform tool and drag the copy layer down . Go to filter->blur->gaussian blur and blur it by 5px and lower the opacity to 30.
10.Make a layer  mask next to the reflection layer . Select the gradient tool and open the gradient editor and select black to white thumbnail and drag out a gradient from bottom of the reflection to the bottom of the symbol .
11.Make the symbol snapshot layer active and click on inner glow style : color-black , blend mode-normal , opacity-75, size-250.
12.Ctrl click on the symbol to make its selection and make a layer mask of the selection . Click on the selection of the symbol select transform selection and move the selection a little to upper left. Go to select->modify->feather and feather it by 20px and invert the selection and fill the selection with white.
13.Open a brush tool and select a large brush with 30 opacity and click in the center of the symbol .
14.Create a new layer above the symbol layer and merge the two layer . Go to the layer mask of the layer below and press and hold alt and drag the copy of the layer mask to the symbol layer. Make the symbol active and change the foreground color to red and open the brush tool and brush the bottom of the symbol with red (blend mode-overlay and opacity-30 .