1. Create a new document (a1 international paper, 210 * 297 px dimension and 300 resolution.
2. Create a rectangle using the rectangle tool. Press ctrl t to select the transform tool and select warp.
In the warp preset options select flag and set it to 20% bend.
3. Open the blending options and select gradient overlay. Click on the gradient editor and set 5 color stops
at 25% intervals and set angle at 0 degree. Press ctrl j to create a copy of the layer and hide the layer.
4. Create a new layer and select both the layers and press ctrl E to merge the layers. Go to filter->filter
gallery->texture->tecturizer and set texture to canvas, scaling to 96 , relief to 8 and light to left.
5. Go to filter->blur->motion blur and set distance to 112px.
6. Press ctrl key and click on the duplicated layer to make a selection and keep to blurry aurora layer
selected. Select the marquee tool and move the selection up past the blurry part of the base layer. Press
ctrl-shift-I to invert the selection and press delete key. This will make a hard edge at the base.
7. Press ctrl T to stretch the aurora layer vertically upwards. Again make a selection of the duplicated layer
while keeping the main aurora layer active. Drag the selection downwards to the bottom part of the
aurora. Right click inside the selection and select layer via copy. It will create a new layer. Select color
overlay blending option for this layer and change the color to black.
8. Go to filter->blur->gaussian blur and blur it by 8.9px. Drag this layer below the aurora layer and press ctrl
t and right click to select warp. Move the angles at the bottom corners so that they poke out of the sides
and reduce the opacity to 60%.
9. Open gradient overlay blending option for the main layer and set the blend mode to soft light and direction
to 90 degree.
10.Select the text layer and write text on the canvas. Open gradient overlay blending option and set Left
hand colour stop:1d1d1b location 0%. Middle colour stop: 464646 location 50%. Middle colour stop 2:
706f6f location 50%. Right hand colour stop: b2b2b2 location 100% and angle 90 degrees.
11.Duplicate the layer and change the gradient overlay to same as that of base aurora layer. Go to filter-
>liquify , rasterize the layer and using forward warp tool draw strokes on upper half of the text.
12.Drag the layer below the main text layer . Go to filter->blur->motion blur and set angle to 90 and
distance to 104. Duplicate the layer twice and change blend mode of top layer to overlay.